Frontier CGI Scripting

Welcome to the Frontier CGI Scripting site! This is the home of the CGI Framework for Frontier and other information related to using Frontier on the Internet.

The CGI Framework

The CGI Framework is now pre-installed in Frontier 4.0. Actually you should not install the 3.0.1 version of the CGI Framework on top of a 4.0 Frontier root file. The version bundled with Frontier is a little different, but has the same functionality.

For the brave of heart you can test the 3.1b1 release of the CGI Framework. This is almost a total rewrite of the framework, with some great new features - but it is not fully test so use with caution. And above all else please read the readme file.

This version does install nicely on the shipping Frontier root database (this installer is much better behaved than the previous version). This CGI Framework ships with support for NetPresenz and MacHTTP web servers. Look in the "Server Support Files" folder.

Download CGI Framework 3.1b1 (79K)


Documentation related to Frontier and the CGI Framework, including instructions for writing CGI applications, using macros in web pages, and HTML-embedded UserTalk scripts.

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Please send any suggestions, compliments or bug reports to Mason Hale:

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